Member Title : OneShot Posts : 2 Join date : 2014-09-24
| Subject: You can only activate the effect of "x" once per chain, and only once that chain. Tue Jan 06, 2015 2:59 am | |
| I've been trying to make a card that activates when a monster is returned to the hand from the field, and gains life points equal to that monsters attack. But i don't want multiple copies going off at the same time. I want it so only one activates, and the others don't. The problem is, that i don't have any reference to go off for this restriction. So help would be great. While this card is in the graveyard; if a monster is returned to the hand by a card effect, gain lifepoints equal to that monsters original attack.The code is as follows. - Code:
local e2=Effect.CreateEffect(c) e2:SetCategory(CATEGORY_RECOVER) e2:SetType(EFFECT_TYPE_FIELD+EFFECT_TYPE_TRIGGER_F) e2:SetRange(LOCATION_GRAVE) e2:SetCode(EVENT_TO_HAND) e2:SetCondition(c26372137.thcon) e2:SetTarget(c26372137.thtg) e2:SetOperation(c26372137.thop) c:RegisterEffect(e2) end function c26372137.cfilter(c,tp) return c:IsPreviousLocation(LOCATION_ONFIELD) and c:IsPreviousPosition(POS_FACEUP) and not c:IsLocation(LOCATION_EXTRA) end function c26372137.thcon(e,tp,eg,ep,ev,re,r,rp) return,REASON_EFFECT)~=0 and eg:IsExists(c26372137.cfilter,1,nil,tp) end function c26372137.thtg(e,tp,eg,ep,ev,re,r,rp,chk) if chk==0 then return e:GetHandler():IsRelateToEffect(e) end local rc=eg:GetFirst() local dam=rc:GetAttack() Duel.SetTargetPlayer(tp) Duel.SetTargetParam(dam) Duel.SetOperationInfo(0,CATEGORY_RECOVER,nil,0,tp,dam) end function c26372137.thop(e,tp,eg,ep,ev,re,r,rp) local p,d=Duel.GetChainInfo(0,CHAININFO_TARGET_PLAYER,CHAININFO_TARGET_PARAM) Duel.Recover(p,d,REASON_EFFECT) end
I've tried having the target line set a flag, which gets removed after the chain, and the condition requiring the lack of said flag, but it didn't do anything. |