The Artwork is really cool and it is fitting in the concept of the card very well.
But I'm not really sure, whether this card is that useful. It shouldn't be in the graveyard, because you get doulbled LP effectdamage, so it would be a card, that it used with dimensional prison or mackrocosmos. If it is banished you don't get any effectdamage, which is pretty good against some decks, but sadly you have to shuffle it back into your deck after only 1 turn and even pay LP for that, that you have to search this card from your deck again.
You could try to change the effect in that way, that you can pay LP to special summon this card from your graveyard and have to pay LP to special summon this card when banished.
I think than it would be a really useful card, that can be also used for Tribute/ Synchro/ Xyz^^